Our Canadian brand Camino, offers consumers ethical indulgences of exceptional quality, while promoting sustainable livelihoods and community development.
At the heart of all is La Siembra, our worker cooperative. It is distinguished by its participatory and democratic model, and its commitment to solidarity with our partner producers.
At La Siembra, every worker member is an owner, and every decision is made with the intention of strengthening our collaboration with those who grow the delicious treats you enjoy.
Featured Resources
Camino Logo
Logo package with RGB colour for digital media usage.
De la justice sociale à saveur de chocolat (French only)
Au moment même où vous déposez un carré de chocolat Camino sur votre langue, une question surgit dans votre esprit : «Est-ce le meilleur chocolat auquel j’ai goûté?»
Chocolate Infographic
Print this poster that shows the main differences between conventional chocolate and fair trade chocolate
Camino: more than just chocolate!
Camino is a Canadian line of fair trade and organic food products, mainly known for its chocolate. But Camino is more than just chocolate!
The Co-operative That Created Camino Chocolate
AJ Interviews La Siembra Co-operative
Camino Chocolate
This is an ethical chocolate company out of Ottawa.
For further information, please contact: media@camino.ca.